This post let you know where foreign visitors can find vending machines for welcome suica card at Narita airport Terminal 2.
Here is around International flight arrival lobby B, and the other exit lobby C is next to the area.
Please look at left side from the exit, and you can find “Train” sign on the upper side. When you’d love to get on a train to Tokyo area, just follow the instruction by this “Train” sign board, and head for train platform under the stairs. you can go down by escalator.
1. Arrival lobby
2. Entrance to train station
Here is entrance area to get on Trains.
3. ATMs
and you can withdraw Japan yen currency at ATM next to the gate if you want.
International credit cards are acceptable. I’m not sure the exchange rate, I think it is not good.
4. Go for train platform
after go through the entrance you can see the “Train” sign board again, so just follow the arrow direction.
5. Entrance for train platform
Here is entrance for train platform, there are several ways to go to Tokyo area by train.
JR Narita line, Keisei line, Narita express line. You can choose which line is suitable for you depends on your time affordance and cost.
6. Where you can purchase welcome suica card (vending machine)
Anyway you are looking for the vending machines, it seems you can see red color the same as welcome suica card.
7. Welcome Suica vending machine
Finally you’ve found it !! Congratulations !
Please feel free to check out my another blog which introduces how to buy a welcome suica card.
How To Purchase Welcome Suica at Haneda Airport Terminal No.3
Enjoy your wonderful trip to Japan(^^